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Horim U'Morim (HUM,) Jewish Academy’s Parent Organization, is the lifeline of the school.

HUM has three main goals:

* To build community within the school

* To support the teachers and enhance students' learning

* To raise funds for special school programs and activities

All parents with a student enrolled at Jewish Academy of Orlando are members of HUM.

Your participation helps create and enrich a sense of pride in our school.  It takes commitment and dedication from all of our parents to meet the needs of our dynamic community.  Most importantly, our children benefit from our work.  Volunteers help provide an opportunity for everyone to get to know each other and strengthen the sense of community within the Jewish Academy of Orlando.  You provide the helping hands that allow us to reach our goals.

HUM participation is an extremely valuable contribution to your child's life at Jewish Academy of Orlando.  Volunteering creates an environment in which our children feel positive about themselves and their school, and it exemplifies the highest values of Judaism.  If you would like to speak to us about any aspect of HUM, please feel free to call  or send an email.

Thank you in advance for your continued support.  We look forward to working with you to further enrich our HUM community!


Contact us at: [email protected]