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Technology Acceptable Use Policy

Please complete the form below. Required fields marked with an asterisk *

Please complete one form per enrolled student. After completing the form, you will be presented with the option to complete an additional one.

Technology Acceptable Use Policy


The Jewish Academy of Orlando information technology resources are provided for educational purposes. Adherence to the following policy is necessary for your continued use of the school's technological resources. 

Students Must:

1. Respect and protect the privacy of others

  • Use only the accounts assigned to them
  • Do not view, use, or copy passwords, data, etc., to which they are not authorized
  • Do not distribute private information about others or themselves

2. Respect and protect the integrity, availability, and security of all electronic resources

  • Observe all policies set forth by the administration when using the JAO network
  • Immediately report security risks or violations to a teacher or administrator
  • Do not destroy or damage equipment, data, or other resources that do not belong to you

3. Respect and protect the intellectual property of others

  • Do not infringe upon copyrights (making illegal copies of music, games, or movies is unacceptable)
  • Do not plagiarize

4. Respect and practice the principles of community

  • Communicate only in ways that are kind and respectful
  • Report threatening or discomforting materials to a teacher or administrator
  • Do not intentionally access, transmit, copy, or create material that violates the school's code of conduct (such as messages that are threatening, rude, discriminatory, or meant to harass)
  • Do not intentionally access, transmit, copy, or create material that is illegal (such as stolen materials, or illegal copies of copyrighted works)
  • Do not use the resources to further other acts that are criminal or violate the school's code of conduct
  • Do not send spam, chain letters, or other mass unsolicited mailings.
  • Do not instant message or FaceTime, or use any forms of social media, during school hours 

5. Respect and maintain all school issued equipment

  • Immediately report any damage of equipment to the Technology Department
  • Do not allow school-owned equipment to be used by siblings, friends, or family members
  • Do not alter or deface any electronic devices, cases or accessories, including home screens, screen savers, etc. Do not place stickers on School computers.
  • Use help tickets for any technology issues when they are detected
  • Make sure devices are charged and ready for use in school (applies to students who take home their devices)
  • Never walk with laptop lids open, lids should be closed when moving around

6. School Appropriate Internet and Application Usage

  • Only use technology as directed by the teacher for school assignments or educational games
  • Technology is not a toy and it not used for free play
  • Visit only teacher approved websites 
  • No non-educational video or music streaming
  • No technology use during Morning News, MMM, Shabbat, Lunch, Break Times
  • Email access is provided for in-school communications only, emailing outside of the myjao.org domain is not allowed
  • Students are not allowed to download or install any software, add-on's or browser extentions


Consequences for violation of Jewish Academy’s Technology Acceptable Use Policy may include disciplinary action as outlined in the JAO Parent Student Handbook The school may restrict or terminate any user's access, without prior notice, if such action is deemed necessary to maintain availability and security for other users of the system. Disciplinary action, including suspension, may also be imposed.


Supervision and Monitoring

School and network administrators, and their authorized employees, monitor the use of information technology resources to help ensure that users are secure and in conformity with this policy. Administrators reserve the right to examine, use, and disclose any data found on the school's information networks in order to further the health, safety, discipline, or security of any student or other person, or to protect property. They may also use this information in disciplinary actions, and will furnish evidence of crime to law enforcement.

Student Grade:*
Answer Required
(Student) As a user of Jewish Academy of Orlando’s computer network and/or equipment, I hereby agree to comply with the above stated rules.*
Answer Required
As the parent or legal guardian of the minor student signing above, I grant permission for my son or daughter to access Jewish Academy’s technology resources. I accept responsibility for conveying and reinforcing the above stated rules with my daughter or son. *
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